Wednesday, 7 May 2014

CoP- A Visual Response- Idea

So with feedback from the presentation I found that it was best to go with the beauty ad idea. 

I was quite stuck on what I was going to do but I knew I wanted to create a high quality magazine and I wanted it printing in digital print. 

Whilst looking on the internet I started to look at the cover of Vogue magazines. I noticed that these covers were very high quality, very Photoshop heavy and to be honest quite fake. This is where I got the idea from to copy some of the Vogue magazines. I asked a friend to model some vogue magazine covers but I wanted her to be completely natural.She agreed and I sent her some Vogue covers to copy. 

Here are the Vogue covers and the model photos: 

This is when my idea started to come together. I decided I wanted the magazine glossy and high quality just like the vogue ones. 

How this relates to my essay- 

I decided to pick the advertising question as I felt this was my strong point as I enjoy advertising and the concepts. I then looked into the use of beauty advertisements and how these aren't true, and how they can manipulate society into thinking they need these products and how these products don't actually work. 

I then linked this with magazines such as Vogue that use a big amount of makeup and photoshop on their models which makes society then aspire to be like this. As I don't wear makeup myself I wanted to drive this point of being natural and for people to not aspire to be like the people on the covers above as this could be quite unhealthy in different ways. I wanted to show that these covers and the models didn't actually look like this and that being natural isn't a bad thing. 

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